Fixed Cost Controlling

Datum: 14 June 2016
7. seminar Dietmara Paschera u Zagrebu!! I ovaj put preko 70 menadžera i kontrolera iz šire regije.


14 June 2016 – Hotel Antunović from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

New CA seminar “FIXED COSTS CONTROLLING” by Dietmar Pascher

The seminar was held by Mr Dietmar Pascher, a trainer and partner at one of the most renowned controlling schools in the world, well-known for its singular approach and completely unique methodology.

Participants had the opportunity to gain insight into the best German controlling practices directly from the most prominent trainer of the leading Controller Akademie. The official language of the seminar was English.

Fixed costs have become one of the hot topics in recent years, leading to the development of numerous practical methods aimed at placing the “explosion of fixed costs” fully under control. After careful consideration of the possibilities to influnce variable costs (primarily the cost of goods sold), it is becoming clear that all options have been exhausted and that fixed costs are the only remaining area with the potential to cut costs.

Topics covered by the FIXED COSTS CONTROLLING seminar:

– types of fixed costs and their role in cost centres management
– efficiency and efficacy of investing in fixed costs and ways of measuring this
– cost controllability – focusing on the costs that we can control
– managing fixed costs by using objectives – the ABC method
– benchmarking costs between cost centers
– ZBB – Zero Base Budgeting, or, how to avoid certain deposited fixed costs
– how to simply identify performance standards that are key to planning, management, measurement, bonuses…

The seminar is intended for:

– top and middle management – CEOs, CFOs, sale managers and profit center managers, key customers managers
– controllers of all levels,
– employess in the departments of planning and analysis, commercial transactions, sales and marketing, finances and accounting
– IT experts working on business solutions that support controlling (BI, DW, planning )

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